潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions



Tired of the jerky transitions between shots? Look no further! Our Wipe & Light Transitions pack is the digital equivalent of sniffing solvents from a baggie behind the train station. It'll give you a quick hit that'll make things so much smoother.

We often use these shots in our projects to, well...glue things together. They give your cuts a sense of fluid motion, through dynamic transitions that make it look like your DP just made an impossibly fast pan to the next shot. And all of our wipes and lights come with unique, trippy sound design to boot, jump-starting your edit.

From shot to shot, in a flash

We hit the urban jungle, shooting day and night. Long exposures give that sense of transitioning from one place to another, offering a hint of structure, buildings and trees here and there.

Light up your edit

Driving and walking at night, our headlights and streetlights come alive. We shot these beautiful yet surreal time-lapses of moving lights in the nocturnal cityscape, to make your job a little easier. Use them to add some extra juice to your fast-paced edits, or combine them with our wipes for some effective day-to-night transitions.

Your project, your colors

All the assets in this pack are ungraded 4K prores files, so you can tweak the contrast and colors to match your film. Just drag and drop them into your timeline and go nuts with the effects.

Listen to the wipes

These wipes and lights don't just glue your footage together on a visual level. As with most of our products, each file contains a unique, handmade sound, which seamlessly connects your footage.


  • 33 wipe transitions
  • 28 light transitions
  • 4K Ultra HD ProRes422 files
  • Unique sound design for each asset
  • In-depth tutorials
  • 4K ProRes 422 Quicktime files
  • Easily adjust color and contrast
  • Each file contains unique sound design
  • In-depth tutorials and examples
  • Works with Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, AE, DaVinci Resolve, Sony Vegas and more, without plugins!


Wipe Transitions, Light Transitions, Video Footage, Motion Graphics, Video Editing, Filmmaking

潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_3潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2潮流炫酷车灯路灯闪光过渡转场效果MOV视频素材 AcidBite - Light & Wipes Transitions_img_2



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